all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 3BS 17 0 51.348997 -2.968651
BS23 3BT 4 0 51.345115 -2.96338
BS23 3BU 9 0 51.349102 -2.972754
BS23 3BW 41 0 51.347287 -2.967854
BS23 3BX 70 0 51.33703 -2.962407
BS23 3BY 45 8 51.346564 -2.972577
BS23 3BZ 13 5 51.3464 -2.971075
BS23 3DE 16 8 51.346108 -2.971232
BS23 3DF 41 3 51.345996 -2.969493
BS23 3DG 24 1 51.346338 -2.969925
BS23 3DH 14 0 51.34689 -2.972268
BS23 3DJ 14 0 51.346607 -2.971022
BS23 3DN 30 2 51.345816 -2.967335
BS23 3DP 1 1 51.345537 -2.966749
BS23 3DQ 20 1 51.346226 -2.968851
BS23 3DR 9 0 51.346649 -2.967031
BS23 3DS 41 0 51.346732 -2.966407
BS23 3DT 29 0 51.347959 -2.966326
BS23 3DU 25 0 51.349182 -2.965898
BS23 3DW 21 3 51.346229 -2.967373