all postcodes in BS23 / WESTON-SUPER-MARE

find any address or company within the BS23 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS23 3HD 42 6 51.344984 -2.962421
BS23 3HE 25 2 51.345787 -2.959954
BS23 3HF 34 5 51.345518 -2.959891
BS23 3HG 24 0 51.346071 -2.958223
BS23 3HH 45 0 51.346479 -2.953861
BS23 3HL 18 0 51.346543 -2.956538
BS23 3HN 18 0 51.34716 -2.954828
BS23 3HP 4 1 51.345199 -2.961493
BS23 3HQ 17 4 51.345794 -2.958059
BS23 3HR 6 0 51.346125 -2.960378
BS23 3HS 18 0 51.346305 -2.959247
BS23 3HT 28 0 51.34658 -2.958693
BS23 3HU 22 0 51.347011 -2.956505
BS23 3HW 13 0 51.347811 -2.953262
BS23 3HX 4 0 51.347412 -2.955867
BS23 3HY 12 0 51.347453 -2.955279
BS23 3JA 8 0 51.345289 -2.95924
BS23 3JB 9 0 51.345455 -2.958132
BS23 3JD 31 0 51.347458 -2.957979
BS23 3JE 16 0 51.347151 -2.957378