all postcodes in BS30 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS30 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS30 6HP 1 51.42589 -2.462058
BS30 6HQ 1 51.425005 -2.460064
BS30 6HR 0 51.425579 -2.463551
BS30 6HS 1 51.425316 -2.461751
BS30 6HT 0 51.427066 -2.464904
BS30 6HU 1 51.42471 -2.473193
BS30 6HX 2 51.430287 -2.468993
BS30 6HY 0 51.426314 -2.461674
BS30 6HZ 3 51.429609 -2.474322
BS30 6JA 0 51.430742 -2.474219
BS30 6JB 0 51.430683 -2.473312
BS30 6JD 0 51.430298 -2.47279
BS30 6JF 0 51.433132 -2.4679
BS30 6JG 0 51.435862 -2.463713
BS30 6JH 1 51.4346 -2.474058
BS30 6JJ 0 51.435752 -2.476156
BS30 6JL 0 51.431312 -2.473276
BS30 6JN 0 51.431828 -2.474633
BS30 6JP 0 51.432806 -2.473118
BS30 6JQ 0 51.432928 -2.471868