all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS40 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 5XN 1 1 51.362023 -2.764202
BS40 5YE 1 1 51.361984 -2.764192
BS40 5JY 3 51.35936 -2.765852
BS40 5PY 2 51.35579 -2.761757
BS40 5AE 1 1 51.356179 -2.76274
BS40 5QH 0 51.362326 -2.764666
BS40 5AA 4 0 51.359194 -2.786378
BS40 5ES 1 51.348539 -2.785343
BS40 5PD 0 51.359854 -2.760288
BS40 5AB 1 0 51.368637 -2.782087
BS40 5YG 1 1 51.361984 -2.764192
BS40 5PP 1 0 51.383186 -2.764856
BS40 5XA 1 0 51.364155 -2.725359