all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 5PH 3 0 51.37102 -2.753735
BS40 5PJ 1 0 51.372519 -2.748416
BS40 5PL 11 0 51.375118 -2.759549
BS40 5PN 1 0 51.37357 -2.766664
BS40 5PQ 1 0 51.364552 -2.756933
BS40 5PR 7 0 51.377431 -2.755148
BS40 5PS 2 0 51.38013 -2.766879
BS40 5PT 3 1 51.377834 -2.778718
BS40 5PU 6 0 51.362858 -2.760251
BS40 5PW 1 0 51.378677 -2.764048
BS40 5PX 22 0 51.364272 -2.761237
BS40 5PZ 1 0 51.354734 -2.765028
BS40 5QA 26 5 51.362425 -2.762748
BS40 5QB 1 1 51.363065 -2.763013
BS40 5QD 13 0 51.363944 -2.763329
BS40 5QE 14 2 51.361198 -2.762407
BS40 5QF 35 0 51.36168 -2.760289
BS40 5QG 26 0 51.360809 -2.760059
BS40 5QL 11 1 51.360693 -2.760867
BS40 5QN 9 0 51.359108 -2.760247