all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 5RQ 2 0 51.343676 -2.721719
BS40 5RR 39 0 51.360543 -2.758102
BS40 5RT 1 0 51.359049 -2.718308
BS40 5RU 2 0 51.357704 -2.720245
BS40 5RW 4 1 51.359284 -2.725536
BS40 5RX 1 0 51.360933 -2.726309
BS40 5RY 1 0 51.356606 -2.735303
BS40 5SA 12 8 51.362739 -2.747997
BS40 5SB 2 0 51.362841 -2.735637
BS40 5SD 1 0 51.361965 -2.728092
BS40 5SE 4 0 51.365695 -2.726945
BS40 5SF 1 0 51.365383 -2.726595
BS40 5SG 38 0 51.365459 -2.723914
BS40 5SH 10 0 51.366742 -2.725874
BS40 5SJ 6 0 51.366145 -2.725429
BS40 5SL 7 0 51.366906 -2.724464
BS40 5SN 2 0 51.370369 -2.729681
BS40 5SP 12 5 51.368261 -2.736054
BS40 5SQ 4 0 51.365579 -2.723356
BS40 5SR 1 0 51.366914 -2.749014