all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

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Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 6BN 5 0 51.308242 -2.600808
BS40 6BQ 18 0 51.30477 -2.621663
BS40 6BR 4 0 51.297231 -2.626698
BS40 6BT 14 0 51.296671 -2.626158
BS40 6BU 5 0 51.293544 -2.627535
BS40 6BW 6 0 51.29999 -2.624453
BS40 6BX 2 0 51.293427 -2.630189
BS40 6BY 2 0 51.293497 -2.632111
BS40 6BZ 12 0 51.290671 -2.635025
BS40 6DA 2 0 51.286345 -2.632788
BS40 6DB 3 0 51.278149 -2.649089
BS40 6DD 6 1 51.274548 -2.654629
BS40 6DE 3 0 51.279002 -2.660542
BS40 6DF 3 0 51.279002 -2.660542
BS40 6DG 2 0 51.287192 -2.658453
BS40 6DJ 2 0 51.29506 -2.639132
BS40 6DL 1 0 51.294162 -2.634643
BS40 6DQ 3 1 51.283885 -2.652482
BS40 6EA 9 3 51.308886 -2.630499
BS40 6EB 14 1 51.308995 -2.632035