all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS40 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 6HJ 3 1 51.316467 -2.636945
BS40 6HL 3 1 51.316666 -2.636718
BS40 6HN 5 1 51.318633 -2.622209
BS40 6HP 4 0 51.319619 -2.609121
BS40 6HQ 8 0 51.315253 -2.637057
BS40 6HR 2 0 51.317285 -2.604185
BS40 6HS 4 0 51.309977 -2.631676
BS40 6HU 4 0 51.308382 -2.630578
BS40 6HW 6 1 51.322509 -2.611829
BS40 6JA 12 2 51.31087 -2.655676
BS40 6JB 3 0 51.31038 -2.654837
BS40 6JD 16 0 51.309264 -2.658164
BS40 6JE 10 0 51.311294 -2.657966
BS40 6JF 13 1 51.311951 -2.66014
BS40 6JG 25 0 51.313369 -2.66369
BS40 6JH 2 0 51.310246 -2.652428
BS40 6JJ 1 0 51.309841 -2.652422
BS40 6JL 4 0 51.310389 -2.651696
BS40 6JN 5 0 51.31097 -2.652278
BS40 6JP 16 0 51.308727 -2.653035