all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS40 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 6JQ 6 0 51.310298 -2.653358
BS40 6JR 2 0 51.306938 -2.653815
BS40 6JS 8 0 51.312049 -2.658735
BS40 6JT 13 0 51.313435 -2.664853
BS40 6JU 2 0 51.313809 -2.664746
BS40 6JW 5 1 51.310877 -2.64885
BS40 6JX 4 0 51.311313 -2.659944
BS40 6JY 2 0 51.3135 -2.665373
BS40 6LA 4 0 51.309721 -2.652002
BS40 6LB 18 0 51.30419 -2.655466
BS40 6LD 5 0 51.294083 -2.677681
BS40 6LE 4 0 51.285931 -2.681619
BS40 6LF 1 0 51.298143 -2.690707
BS40 6LG 3 0 51.301649 -2.686256
BS40 6LH 1 0 51.30845 -2.670074
BS40 6LJ 6 0 51.301968 -2.66998
BS40 6LQ 3 0 51.308149 -2.677992
BS40 6LX 1 0 51.313347 -2.658165
BS40 6NA 7 0 51.31126 -2.655022
BS40 6NB 11 0 51.311885 -2.655877