all postcodes in BS40 / BRISTOL

find any address or company within the BS40 postcode district

Postcode Area

BS / Bristol

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BS40 6ND 11 0 51.312487 -2.657565
BS40 6NE 1 0 51.318392 -2.6531
BS40 6NF 7 0 51.325649 -2.651524
BS40 6NG 3 0 51.323366 -2.641446
BS40 6NH 2 0 51.325095 -2.640325
BS40 6NJ 1 0 51.337058 -2.643662
BS40 6NL 2 0 51.333413 -2.645307
BS40 6NQ 9 1 51.321191 -2.639737
BS40 6PA 16 0 51.319674 -2.675978
BS40 6PB 10 0 51.319605 -2.674011
BS40 6PD 16 0 51.318339 -2.676676
BS40 6PE 9 2 51.317589 -2.67731
BS40 6PF 8 0 51.316482 -2.680695
BS40 6PG 7 1 51.315663 -2.673049
BS40 6PH 8 0 51.322883 -2.680833
BS40 6PJ 23 1 51.321372 -2.677269
BS40 6PL 17 0 51.32139 -2.679462
BS40 6PN 9 0 51.321708 -2.680442
BS40 6PP 6 0 51.321447 -2.682017
BS40 6PR 3 0 51.320837 -2.690991