all postcodes in BT14 / BELFAST

find any address or company within the BT14 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT14 8LA 34 0 54.633367 -5.958475
BT14 8LB 47 3 54.633147 -5.958749
BT14 8LD 28 0 54.635488 -5.959577
BT14 8LE 26 0 54.635267 -5.959263
BT14 8LF 54 0 54.63614 -5.959885
BT14 8LG 32 0 54.631758 -5.965912
BT14 8LJ 72 0 54.635558 -5.961107
BT14 8LT 18 1 54.630789 -5.969197
BT14 8LU 58 0 54.632415 -5.967072
BT14 8LX 13 0 54.631186 -5.968248
BT14 8LY 19 0 54.631469 -5.968513
BT14 8NP 40 0 54.629083 -5.991351
BT14 8NR 7 0 54.629471 -5.993639
BT14 8NS 31 0 54.628677 -5.991835
BT14 8NT 30 0 54.628671 -5.992548
BT14 8NU 36 0 54.628223 -5.990448
BT14 8PA 6 0 54.628918 -5.986326
BT14 8PB 7 0 54.628757 -5.985823
BT14 8PD 21 0 54.628557 -5.985105
BT14 8PE 17 0 54.628057 -5.980995