all postcodes in BT14 / BELFAST

find any address or company within the BT14 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT14 8PF 22 0 54.628655 -5.984016
BT14 8PG 18 0 54.628092 -5.985267
BT14 8PH 9 0 54.628415 -5.981442
BT14 8PJ 7 0 54.628514 -5.986346
BT14 8PL 21 0 54.628171 -5.981934
BT14 8PP 20 0 54.627702 -5.981245
BT14 8PQ 8 0 54.628482 -5.982755
BT14 8PR 7 0 54.627126 -5.981753
BT14 8PT 23 0 54.629239 -5.978613
BT14 8PU 22 0 54.628726 -5.980187
BT14 8PX 8 0 54.62929 -5.979524
BT14 8PY 16 0 54.628312 -5.979573
BT14 8PZ 18 0 54.628358 -5.978564
BT14 8QA 19 0 54.628727 -5.97915
BT14 8QB 14 0 54.629141 -5.977596
BT14 8QD 20 0 54.633233 -5.968131
BT14 8QE 20 0 54.629911 -5.979013
BT14 8QF 24 0 54.629877 -5.978101
BT14 8QG 6 0 54.625879 -5.981846
BT14 8QH 9 0 54.633985 -5.968016