all postcodes in BT30 / DOWNPATRICK

find any address or company within the BT30 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT30 6PF 8 1 54.335118 -5.671511
BT30 6PG 10 0 54.336032 -5.691511
BT30 6PH 7 0 54.335955 -5.690285
BT30 6PJ 35 0 54.337845 -5.690902
BT30 6PL 12 0 54.319421 -5.707705
BT30 6PN 7 0 54.318408 -5.709729
BT30 6PP 2 0 54.319088 -5.7086
BT30 6PQ 16 0 54.336477 -5.690333
BT30 6PR 6 0 54.317848 -5.710513
BT30 6PS 61 0 54.317666 -5.707587
BT30 6PT 3 0 54.31544 -5.72099
BT30 6PU 12 2 54.319629 -5.712059
BT30 6PW 5 0 54.318565 -5.709459
BT30 6PX 9 0 54.318907 -5.713759
BT30 6PY 11 8 54.315196 -5.709016
BT30 6PZ 31 2 54.31617 -5.71159
BT30 6QA 26 0 54.315615 -5.713603
BT30 6QB 36 0 54.315011 -5.712069
BT30 6QD 11 1 54.315579 -5.711684
BT30 6QE 28 0 54.314685 -5.712887