all postcodes in BT30 / DOWNPATRICK

find any address or company within the BT30 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT30 6JZ 10 0 54.327411 -5.706353
BT30 6LA 8 0 54.328197 -5.705203
BT30 6LB 13 0 54.326887 -5.705737
BT30 6LD 12 0 54.339606 -5.71118
BT30 6LE 13 0 54.33674 -5.694193
BT30 6LF 13 0 54.337212 -5.695412
BT30 6LG 23 0 54.337605 -5.694806
BT30 6LH 3 0 54.339327 -5.712118
BT30 6LJ 22 17 54.314117 -5.70382
BT30 6LL 8 4 54.314627 -5.707465
BT30 6LN 44 0 54.338448 -5.70557
BT30 6LP 30 18 54.327872 -5.716951
BT30 6LQ 18 0 54.337695 -5.693894
BT30 6LR 8 7 54.32765 -5.717532
BT30 6LS 17 0 54.339579 -5.703138
BT30 6LU 1 1 54.32743 -5.716822
BT30 6LY 15 12 54.327886 -5.716274
BT30 6LZ 27 24 54.326467 -5.718182
BT30 6ND 1 1 54.325335 -5.717722
BT30 6NE 23 2 54.325054 -5.716646