all postcodes in BT42 / BALLYMENA

find any address or company within the BT42 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT42 1PB 1 0 54.905009 -6.376327
BT42 1PD 13 1 54.905009 -6.376327
BT42 1PE 35 4 54.915603 -6.367729
BT42 1PF 29 0 54.895755 -6.371587
BT42 1PG 44 1 54.908878 -6.391639
BT42 1PH 37 0 54.914287 -6.38216
BT42 1PJ 25 0 54.932149 -6.400711
BT42 1PL 20 0 54.912282 -6.410653
BT42 1PN 21 0 54.92439 -6.397494
BT42 1PP 13 0 54.914347 -6.41603
BT42 1PQ 11 0 54.918103 -6.410611
BT42 1PR 20 0 54.908194 -6.405793
BT42 1PS 11 2 54.899966 -6.385478
BT42 1PT 17 0 54.899142 -6.375597
BT42 1PU 48 0 54.853075 -6.356459
BT42 1PW 4 0 54.933824 -6.40712
BT42 1PX 3 0 54.86437 -6.334848
BT42 1PY 1 1 54.866121 -6.336739
BT42 1PZ 64 0 54.854671 -6.374224
BT42 1QB 1 1 54.856348 -6.309531