all postcodes in BT42 / BALLYMENA

find any address or company within the BT42 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT42 1LA 24 4 54.853382 -6.365883
BT42 1LB 11 3 54.852292 -6.367002
BT42 1LD 11 1 54.851498 -6.367392
BT42 1LE 8 2 54.851125 -6.367672
BT42 1LF 3 2 54.847007 -6.374844
BT42 1LG 1 0 54.846135 -6.380141
BT42 1LH 43 0 54.851806 -6.370929
BT42 1LJ 22 0 54.851051 -6.36892
BT42 1LL 6 0 54.851788 -6.368922
BT42 1LN 60 0 54.852081 -6.372693
BT42 1LP 31 0 54.85013 -6.371215
BT42 1LW 55 0 54.850859 -6.371964
BT42 1LQ 35 1 54.8571 -6.38319
BT42 1LR 68 0 54.85462 -6.371065
BT42 1LS 10 0 54.853363 -6.391997
BT42 1LT 9 0 54.851135 -6.407002
BT42 1LU 12 0 54.861244 -6.405762
BT42 1LX 15 0 54.855773 -6.411973
BT42 1LY 12 1 54.854498 -6.402463
BT42 1LZ 2 0 54.851389 -6.396295