all postcodes in BT4 / BELFAST

find any address or company within the BT4 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT4 1NR 6 0 54.604491 -5.882812
BT4 1NS 1 1 54.598723 -5.888451
BT4 1NT 35 16 54.598554 -5.88651
BT4 1NU 44 9 54.599341 -5.884225
BT4 1NY 20 6 54.600201 -5.881023
BT4 1PA 7 0 54.60192 -5.87756
BT4 1PB 1 1 54.601184 -5.878666
BT4 1PD 12 5 54.603303 -5.875492
BT4 1PG 1 1 54.598396 -5.887245
BT4 1PH 12 0 54.600348 -5.882764
BT4 1PJ 38 0 54.600901 -5.881482
BT4 1PL 17 0 54.601342 -5.879958
BT4 1PN 32 0 54.601319 -5.880222
BT4 1PP 26 0 54.604271 -5.876896
BT4 1PQ 63 2 54.600785 -5.882061
BT4 1PR 42 0 54.601509 -5.882317
BT4 1PS 41 0 54.601489 -5.881684
BT4 1PT 36 0 54.60146 -5.881082
BT4 1PU 38 3 54.602081 -5.880105
BT4 1PW 48 0 54.602653 -5.878404