all postcodes in BT4 / BELFAST

find any address or company within the BT4 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT4 1PX 29 0 54.603062 -5.87764
BT4 1PY 40 0 54.603324 -5.877224
BT4 1PZ 17 0 54.606965 -5.875765
BT4 1QA 63 40 54.604745 -5.875726
BT4 1QB 21 0 54.605971 -5.875445
BT4 1QD 39 1 54.606878 -5.874438
BT4 1QE 24 1 54.605705 -5.87823
BT4 1QF 77 0 54.606298 -5.88131
BT4 1QG 28 0 54.605738 -5.877036
BT4 1QH 17 0 54.6063 -5.878323
BT4 1QJ 48 0 54.600143 -5.901377
BT4 1QL 6 0 54.605535 -5.877759
BT4 1QN 17 0 54.606285 -5.882626
BT4 1QP 6 0 54.606175 -5.876317
BT4 1QQ 2 2 54.598516 -5.887904
BT4 1QR 65 0 54.606732 -5.87991
BT4 1QS 6 0 54.607211 -5.881092
BT4 1QT 64 0 54.607185 -5.879082
BT4 1QU 59 0 54.606831 -5.876314
BT4 1QW 55 0 54.607198 -5.878307