all postcodes in BT82 / STRABANE

find any address or company within the BT82 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT82 0LH 3 0 54.893664 -7.366309
BT82 0LJ 1 0 54.903707 -7.392684
BT82 0LL 3 0 54.902097 -7.386987
BT82 0LN 7 0 54.890874 -7.370467
BT82 0LP 11 0 54.885717 -7.33164
BT82 0LQ 5 0 54.894995 -7.37698
BT82 0LR 18 1 54.876723 -7.310399
BT82 0LS 13 0 54.895638 -7.330852
BT82 0LT 6 0 54.89082 -7.318917
BT82 0LU 9 0 54.8886 -7.301252
BT82 0LW 15 0 54.893925 -7.352902
BT82 0LX 4 0 54.879773 -7.324104
BT82 0LY 15 0 54.87892 -7.347067
BT82 0LZ 13 0 54.878184 -7.353933
BT82 0NA 3 0 54.884994 -7.349119
BT82 0NB 34 8 54.873772 -7.312864
BT82 0ND 2 0 54.884734 -7.300758
BT82 0NE 12 0 54.898866 -7.302586
BT82 0NF 3 0 54.892068 -7.328418
BT82 0NG 15 0 54.904264 -7.313545