all postcodes in BT82 / STRABANE

find any address or company within the BT82 postcode district

Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT82 0NH 3 0 54.908276 -7.305105
BT82 0NJ 16 0 54.900312 -7.277901
BT82 0NL 1 0 54.914477 -7.273188
BT82 0NN 8 0 54.916442 -7.289651
BT82 0NP 6 0 54.873792 -7.418042
BT82 0NR 3 1 54.87367 -7.310638
BT82 0NS 12 0 54.873211 -7.308902
BT82 0NW 4 0 54.90381 -7.280005
BT82 0PA 4 0 54.875803 -7.306583
BT82 0PB 24 0 54.872543 -7.313103
BT82 0PD 90 0 54.87357 -7.30726
BT82 0PE 3 0 54.863683 -7.306199
BT82 0PF 3 1 54.872358 -7.31063
BT82 0PG 10 0 54.873385 -7.30016
BT82 0PH 7 2 54.87764 -7.302734
BT82 0PJ 16 0 54.889292 -7.290487
BT82 0PL 7 0 54.880964 -7.28113
BT82 0PN 10 0 54.877474 -7.253633
BT82 0PP 7 0 54.877268 -7.215235
BT82 0PQ 16 0 54.874704 -7.307614