all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 3SP 17 3 54.434522 -2.593107
CA10 3SQ 5 0 54.472133 -2.527315
CA10 3SR 9 0 54.434511 -2.595392
CA10 3SS 20 6 54.43914 -2.593409
CA10 3ST 13 0 54.440236 -2.591833
CA10 3SU 17 0 54.435848 -2.594067
CA10 3SW 2 0 54.43414 -2.592208
CA10 3SZ 8 0 54.44682 -2.585096
CA10 3TA 18 0 54.443241 -2.619817
CA10 3TE 6 0 54.435309 -2.641358
CA10 3TF 7 0 54.447089 -2.635127
CA10 3TG 2 0 54.438973 -2.605386
CA10 3TH 40 1 54.434146 -2.590974
CA10 3TJ 38 0 54.433521 -2.590183
CA10 3TL 20 1 54.435748 -2.590689
CA10 3TN 6 0 54.436043 -2.590894
CA10 3TP 3 1 54.434289 -2.58945
CA10 3TW 5 0 54.436611 -2.590532
CA10 3TZ 10 0 54.438727 -2.578583
CA10 3UA 20 1 54.442385 -2.557556