all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 3RG 39 1 54.468839 -2.581214
CA10 3RY 10 0 54.468824 -2.586213
CA10 3RH 5 1 54.468874 -2.585133
CA10 3RJ 25 1 54.468101 -2.58508
CA10 3RL 2 0 54.467994 -2.585063
CA10 3RN 5 0 54.466246 -2.580452
CA10 3RP 18 0 54.465635 -2.580258
CA10 3RQ 20 3 54.468548 -2.583894
CA10 3RT 4 0 54.468527 -2.586363
CA10 3RU 4 1 54.467934 -2.584441
CA10 3RX 18 0 54.466633 -2.584037
CA10 3RZ 6 0 54.469023 -2.58961
CA10 3SA 4 0 54.459515 -2.604066
CA10 3SB 5 3 54.449654 -2.609982
CA10 3SD 11 0 54.47467 -2.599984
CA10 3SE 11 0 54.467515 -2.564825
CA10 3SF 2 0 54.434618 -2.593852
CA10 3SG 17 1 54.462442 -2.546258
CA10 3SJ 9 0 54.49925 -2.570115
CA10 3SL 12 0 54.434462 -2.592521