all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 3HJ 5 0 54.541518 -2.579171
CA10 3HL 5 0 54.54346 -2.580852
CA10 3HN 53 0 54.540423 -2.580732
CA10 3HP 4 0 54.526784 -2.5895
CA10 3HQ 4 0 54.573745 -2.653322
CA10 3HR 5 0 54.53844 -2.581956
CA10 3HU 8 0 54.559065 -2.580177
CA10 3HW 2 0 54.545423 -2.581967
CA10 3HX 13 0 54.552414 -2.563246
CA10 3HY 14 1 54.52614 -2.588826
CA10 3HZ 2 0 54.52729 -2.583311
CA10 3JA 12 1 54.527035 -2.58408
CA10 3JB 4 0 54.52324 -2.578715
CA10 3JD 7 0 54.521306 -2.605025
CA10 3JG 1 0 54.533616 -2.594513
CA10 3JJ 4 1 54.528214 -2.585472
CA10 3JL 1 0 54.532812 -2.588026
CA10 3JN 6 0 54.532242 -2.585144
CA10 3JP 30 1 54.523314 -2.587843
CA10 3JR 6 0 54.509067 -2.579082