all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 3AE 9 0 54.623327 -2.643027
CA10 3AF 4 0 54.617104 -2.638702
CA10 3AG 6 0 54.616901 -2.637821
CA10 3AH 4 0 54.619503 -2.640613
CA10 3AJ 6 0 54.61663 -2.638266
CA10 3AL 70 4 54.61755 -2.641037
CA10 3AN 1 0 54.611045 -2.61131
CA10 3AP 4 0 54.606142 -2.599615
CA10 3AQ 9 0 54.619441 -2.63863
CA10 3AR 4 0 54.627255 -2.618818
CA10 3AS 24 0 54.594743 -2.62336
CA10 3AT 7 2 54.593226 -2.624987
CA10 3AU 33 0 54.594924 -2.625122
CA10 3AW 12 0 54.611244 -2.609135
CA10 3AX 21 0 54.596048 -2.624999
CA10 3AY 19 1 54.594945 -2.620959
CA10 3AZ 18 2 54.595902 -2.621902
CA10 3BA 12 0 54.59491 -2.619054
CA10 3BB 5 1 54.598774 -2.606653
CA10 3BD 3 0 54.597111 -2.62271