all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 2NS 6 0 54.611503 -2.818283
CA10 2NU 3 2 54.538166 -2.679279
CA10 2NW 10 0 54.612878 -2.821021
CA10 2NX 3 1 54.558237 -2.680278
CA10 2NY 1 0 54.623876 -2.734617
CA10 2PA 3 0 54.606657 -2.753535
CA10 2PB 3 0 54.60713 -2.752568
CA10 2PD 3 0 54.607343 -2.75155
CA10 2PE 5 0 54.60523 -2.754623
CA10 2PF 33 2 54.606185 -2.752725
CA10 2PG 51 1 54.605279 -2.758355
CA10 2PH 5 0 54.60482 -2.754136
CA10 2PJ 16 0 54.606573 -2.756877
CA10 2PL 4 1 54.606608 -2.755655
CA10 2PN 14 0 54.606911 -2.756125
CA10 2PQ 3 0 54.605907 -2.756931
CA10 2PT 10 0 54.586253 -2.741104
CA10 2PU 9 0 54.571504 -2.749916
CA10 2QA 44 0 54.591198 -2.759501
CA10 2QB 8 0 54.582293 -2.759274