all postcodes in CA10 / PENRITH

find any address or company within the CA10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA10 2QG 2 0 54.566864 -2.758852
CA10 2QJ 4 1 54.56147 -2.760773
CA10 2RQ 20 3 54.556618 -2.751931
CA10 2QL 16 0 54.565121 -2.778705
CA10 2QP 4 0 54.555842 -2.740892
CA10 2QQ 11 0 54.568778 -2.759038
CA10 2QR 26 1 54.55566 -2.741136
CA10 2QS 6 0 54.556294 -2.740468
CA10 2QT 4 0 54.511359 -2.752026
CA10 2QU 4 0 54.557773 -2.717161
CA10 2QX 23 0 54.544905 -2.715223
CA10 2QY 2 0 54.546982 -2.722649
CA10 2QZ 5 0 54.543879 -2.72766
CA10 2RA 6 0 54.546232 -2.76437
CA10 2RB 1 0 54.5527 -2.778978
CA10 2RE 8 0 54.557482 -2.751673
CA10 2RF 5 0 54.558877 -2.755657
CA10 2RG 2 0 54.556724 -2.750731
CA10 2RH 7 0 54.551602 -2.742052
CA10 2RJ 14 0 54.548131 -2.74808