all postcodes in CA22 / MOOR ROW

find any address or company within the CA22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA22 2SU 47 0 54.462551 -3.525263
CA22 2SW 20 0 54.465133 -3.526532
CA22 2SY 2 0 54.489453 -3.533074
CA22 2SZ 10 0 54.499324 -3.532084
CA22 2TA 9 0 54.501382 -3.53142
CA22 2TB 12 0 54.500884 -3.52961
CA22 2TD 11 0 54.500548 -3.534122
CA22 2TE 9 0 54.500061 -3.539169
CA22 2TF 2 0 54.501659 -3.541469
CA22 2TG 4 1 54.502194 -3.541102
CA22 2TH 39 0 54.502037 -3.544216
CA22 2TJ 10 0 54.503764 -3.544142
CA22 2TL 6 2 54.50303 -3.548794
CA22 2TN 17 0 54.505255 -3.545666
CA22 2TP 7 0 54.505641 -3.544259
CA22 2TQ 39 1 54.502452 -3.542687
CA22 2TR 7 0 54.505816 -3.543926
CA22 2TS 25 0 54.506364 -3.544626
CA22 2TT 4 0 54.505896 -3.546122
CA22 2TU 5 0 54.506146 -3.54624