all postcodes in CA4 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA4 9QE 2 0 54.808384 -2.729798
CA4 9QF 10 0 54.808625 -2.728895
CA4 9QG 2 0 54.808605 -2.73044
CA4 9QH 7 0 54.808208 -2.728001
CA4 9QN 21 0 54.810983 -2.731334
CA4 9QP 4 0 54.799549 -2.733305
CA4 9QQ 8 1 54.808336 -2.729123
CA4 9QR 21 0 54.790934 -2.728343
CA4 9QS 5 0 54.785729 -2.725653
CA4 9QT 8 0 54.808659 -2.727744
CA4 9QW 3 0 54.805266 -2.736069
CA4 9QY 9 0 54.826396 -2.753295
CA4 9QZ 1 0 54.838531 -2.743946
CA4 9RA 3 0 54.832489 -2.736787
CA4 9RB 3 1 54.828253 -2.74619
CA4 9RD 4 0 54.82524 -2.732074
CA4 9RE 11 0 54.814824 -2.738188
CA4 9RF 2 0 54.806011 -2.696659
CA4 9RG 3 0 54.801559 -2.706492
CA4 9RH 5 0 54.789623 -2.709632