all postcodes in CA4 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA4 9SP 2 0 54.830864 -2.76839
CA4 9SQ 3 0 54.790861 -2.740426
CA4 9SR 1 0 54.834047 -2.77242
CA4 9ST 14 0 54.823969 -2.763029
CA4 9SX 5 0 54.845194 -2.793045
CA4 9SY 21 1 54.837705 -2.784977
CA4 9SZ 2 0 54.852989 -2.807283
CA4 9TA 4 0 54.848484 -2.808953
CA4 9TB 4 1 54.839018 -2.824485
CA4 9TF 2 0 54.833149 -2.81766
CA4 9TG 1 0 54.8132 -2.815058
CA4 9TH 12 0 54.811208 -2.808861
CA4 9TJ 11 0 54.800547 -2.793228
CA4 9TN 6 0 54.7925 -2.789726
CA4 9TP 6 0 54.781164 -2.759311
CA4 9TQ 4 0 54.816129 -2.821778
CA4 9TR 3 1 54.765655 -2.774256
CA4 9TS 2 0 54.76284 -2.757543
CA4 9TU 1 1 54.769408 -2.772318
CA4 9TW 1 0 54.793834 -2.773764