all postcodes in CA4 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA4 9RJ 4 0 54.80647 -2.714813
CA4 9RL 1 0 54.816403 -2.728226
CA4 9RN 3 0 54.818021 -2.714591
CA4 9RP 6 0 54.825518 -2.697135
CA4 9RQ 3 0 54.795936 -2.710687
CA4 9RR 1 0 54.819481 -2.689016
CA4 9RS 1 0 54.824265 -2.675219
CA4 9RT 1 0 54.823823 -2.662911
CA4 9RU 2 0 54.819539 -2.662068
CA4 9RW 1 0 54.821029 -2.725508
CA4 9RX 3 1 54.819107 -2.662413
CA4 9RY 2 0 54.816013 -2.66257
CA4 9RZ 35 2 54.818199 -2.664142
CA4 9SE 4 0 54.817159 -2.653869
CA4 9SF 1 0 54.810181 -2.675944
CA4 9SG 4 1 54.80491 -2.684817
CA4 9SH 10 0 54.795096 -2.750162
CA4 9SJ 4 0 54.807668 -2.652119
CA4 9SL 11 0 54.814789 -2.768469
CA4 9SN 2 0 54.824838 -2.765022