all postcodes in CA5 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA5 6BE 5 0 54.923354 -3.05057
CA5 6BG 8 0 54.924008 -3.051068
CA5 6BH 1 0 54.912499 -3.074385
CA5 6BJ 4 0 54.917367 -3.080478
CA5 6BN 1 0 54.921131 -3.074865
CA5 6BP 2 0 54.921287 -3.061875
CA5 6BQ 2 0 54.919417 -3.065071
CA5 6BS 4 0 54.920004 -3.060934
CA5 6BT 38 0 54.920277 -3.062301
CA5 6BW 2 0 54.920895 -3.061522
CA5 6BZ 4 0 54.920422 -3.06043
CA5 6DA 4 0 54.920428 -3.037853
CA5 6DB 23 1 54.917739 -3.025444
CA5 6DD 3 0 54.916529 -3.025775
CA5 6DE 5 0 54.91793 -3.026135
CA5 6DH 2 0 54.916217 -3.010385
CA5 6DJ 26 0 54.916363 -3.01017
CA5 6DL 1 0 54.91022 -3.015426
CA5 6DN 9 0 54.907003 -3.018249
CA5 6DP 3 0 54.909 -2.997769