all postcodes in CA5 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA5 6EZ 2 1 54.901672 -3.042848
CA5 6HA 13 0 54.901574 -3.04409
CA5 6HB 5 1 54.899339 -3.058363
CA5 6HD 10 0 54.900122 -3.067444
CA5 6HE 20 0 54.899873 -3.070182
CA5 6HF 2 0 54.901672 -3.071823
CA5 6HG 21 0 54.900392 -3.07149
CA5 6HH 4 0 54.899322 -3.069203
CA5 6HJ 9 0 54.89809 -3.065257
CA5 6HL 6 0 54.899297 -3.070276
CA5 6HN 3 0 54.899247 -3.072694
CA5 6HQ 24 0 54.899331 -3.066425
CA5 6HR 17 0 54.899511 -3.076659
CA5 6HS 4 0 54.898285 -3.081118
CA5 6HT 4 0 54.899232 -3.075701
CA5 6HU 5 0 54.898933 -3.077907
CA5 6HX 7 1 54.897776 -3.078703
CA5 6HY 12 0 54.89956 -3.078173
CA5 6JA 2 0 54.898217 -3.084393
CA5 6JB 49 0 54.898416 -3.083554