all postcodes in CA5 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA5 6PQ 11 1 54.841679 -3.054299
CA5 6PS 50 0 54.841387 -3.048499
CA5 6PT 10 0 54.840134 -3.051036
CA5 6PU 20 0 54.838176 -3.050907
CA5 6PW 6 0 54.841458 -3.047629
CA5 6PX 6 0 54.83822 -3.067553
CA5 6PY 5 0 54.838663 -3.069951
CA5 6PZ 2 0 54.836467 -3.077459
CA5 6QA 2 0 54.837414 -3.077142
CA5 6QB 9 1 54.840014 -3.086099
CA5 6QD 12 0 54.838179 -3.090347
CA5 6QE 10 0 54.842912 -3.078624
CA5 6QF 5 0 54.846586 -3.092863
CA5 6QG 2 0 54.84817 -3.09428
CA5 6QH 4 0 54.848663 -3.089727
CA5 6QJ 5 0 54.847957 -3.086328
CA5 6QL 4 0 54.850941 -3.08524
CA5 6QN 10 0 54.849033 -3.077265
CA5 6QP 9 0 54.846929 -3.062254
CA5 6QQ 9 0 54.848821 -3.101163