all postcodes in CA7 / WIGTON

find any address or company within the CA7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA7 3BD 3 0 54.764893 -3.321375
CA7 3BE 11 1 54.765334 -3.322213
CA7 3BH 8 1 54.765259 -3.319756
CA7 3BJ 22 0 54.764176 -3.321196
CA7 3BL 17 0 54.763508 -3.320677
CA7 3BN 16 0 54.76303 -3.319123
CA7 3BP 6 0 54.762611 -3.319715
CA7 3BQ 2 1 54.76611 -3.322458
CA7 3BS 22 0 54.763107 -3.322016
CA7 3BT 6 0 54.762989 -3.321282
CA7 3BU 8 0 54.762757 -3.321912
CA7 3BW 10 0 54.763585 -3.320167
CA7 3BX 14 0 54.76429 -3.328863
CA7 3BY 16 0 54.765026 -3.328187
CA7 3DB 13 0 54.766666 -3.317065
CA7 3DD 12 0 54.764053 -3.319343
CA7 3DE 22 0 54.765011 -3.31883
CA7 3DF 23 0 54.765623 -3.31871
CA7 3DG 17 0 54.765372 -3.317054
CA7 3DH 6 0 54.766053 -3.318848