all postcodes in CA9 / ALSTON

find any address or company within the CA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA9 3NS 5 0 54.786514 -2.343479
CA9 3NT 5 0 54.786881 -2.344166
CA9 3PA 8 0 54.786464 -2.345298
CA9 3PB 8 0 54.785481 -2.337251
CA9 3PD 6 0 54.786764 -2.337666
CA9 3PE 8 0 54.788167 -2.340601
CA9 3PF 9 2 54.78851 -2.343449
CA9 3PG 17 0 54.78913 -2.343392
CA9 3PH 2 0 54.78859 -2.342788
CA9 3PL 22 2 54.788657 -2.3423
CA9 3PN 8 1 54.788356 -2.340416
CA9 3PP 3 0 54.789644 -2.339649
CA9 3PQ 2 0 54.789814 -2.342963
CA9 3PR 3 0 54.789904 -2.339573
CA9 3PS 5 0 54.790413 -2.340268
CA9 3PT 2 0 54.790348 -2.34103
CA9 3PU 2 0 54.79066 -2.341732
CA9 3PW 2 0 54.790109 -2.342598
CA9 3PX 2 0 54.791576 -2.342004
CA9 3PY 16 0 54.793726 -2.34508