all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 5DH 15 52.183633 0.221744
CB21 5DJ 0 52.184205 0.21478
CB21 5DL 4 52.184542 0.216918
CB21 5DN 0 52.185083 0.217325
CB21 5DP 0 52.184048 0.212124
CB21 5DQ 7 52.187302 0.209272
CB21 5DR 0 52.183228 0.213649
CB21 5DS 0 52.182755 0.213932
CB21 5DT 0 52.181762 0.213181
CB21 5DU 0 52.182928 0.210957
CB21 5DW 0 52.184516 0.210626
CB21 5DX 0 52.182133 0.21257
CB21 5DY 0 52.184039 0.211158
CB21 5DZ 3 52.18467 0.20819
CB21 5EA 0 52.185966 0.206206
CB21 5EB 1 52.186763 0.208309
CB21 5ED 0 52.182883 0.18632
CB21 5EE 1 52.185594 0.200379
CB21 5EF 1 52.184505 0.188329
CB21 5EG 0 52.181473 0.211309