all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 5AH 0 52.186679 0.206037
CB21 5BF 0 52.180492 0.221865
CB21 5BG 0 52.183219 0.216501
CB21 5BH 2 52.180999 0.220281
CB21 5BJ 0 52.180809 0.221281
CB21 5BL 1 52.181261 0.222108
CB21 5RJ 0 52.182612 0.223448
CB21 5BN 0 52.182123 0.222678
CB21 5BQ 1 52.182887 0.191426
CB21 5BS 5 52.179266 0.223486
CB21 5BT 1 52.17857 0.221316
CB21 5BU 0 52.179705 0.222133
CB21 5BW 0 52.178351 0.229584
CB21 5BX 0 52.177557 0.222582
CB21 5BY 0 52.178284 0.224563
CB21 5BZ 0 52.177277 0.224513
CB21 5DA 3 52.166435 0.241988
CB21 5DB 0 52.177012 0.225231
CB21 5DD 0 52.176714 0.225801
CB21 5DF 0 52.183949 0.213055