all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 6BD 0 52.11303 0.23773
CB21 6BE 0 52.121442 0.230409
CB21 6BG 2 52.120048 0.237994
CB21 6BH 0 52.1197 0.236457
CB21 6BJ 0 52.1223 0.230656
CB21 6BL 0 52.122799 0.234713
CB21 6BN 1 52.121914 0.237766
CB21 6BP 1 52.121564 0.240568
CB21 6BQ 1 52.120745 0.235106
CB21 6BS 0 52.108568 0.25528
CB21 6BT 0 52.110952 0.252391
CB21 6BU 3 52.114223 0.255346
CB21 6DQ 1 52.114663 0.258187
CB21 6BW 1 52.131339 0.233402
CB21 6BY 0 52.11316 0.253087
CB21 6BZ 0 52.115628 0.25638
CB21 6DA 0 52.117735 0.25856
CB21 6DB 0 52.117096 0.258398
CB21 6DD 1 52.119839 0.253422
CB21 6DE 0 52.111663 0.253318