all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 6DR 1 52.119556 0.253921
CB21 6GB 1 52.118015 0.220451
CB21 6GH 1 52.115653 0.223649
CB21 6GP 13 52.118637 0.22387
CB21 6GQ 1 52.116253 0.222802
CB21 6GS 1 52.116574 0.220072
CB21 6GT 1 52.118015 0.220451
CB21 6XR 0 52.121401 0.238251
CB21 6AD 10 8 52.118294 0.228249
CB21 6AJ 3 1 52.110652 0.227226
CB21 6WA 1 0 52.192254 0.137179
CB21 6DF 1 0 52.112669 0.227049
CB21 6DG 1 0 52.118027 0.22048