all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 8BE 3 0 52.220355 -0.032984
CB23 8BN 22 0 52.224416 0.005147
CB23 8BP 7 0 52.238855 0.024223
CB23 8BS 41 0 52.242142 0.018689
CB23 8BT 42 0 52.242607 0.021464
CB23 8BU 6 0 52.240379 0.016588
CB23 8BW 7 0 52.241687 0.017379
CB23 8BX 10 0 52.239218 0.015627
CB23 8BY 8 0 52.239959 0.019044
CB23 8BZ 1 0 52.239103 0.019151
CB23 8DA 22 2 52.239511 0.021364
CB23 8DB 17 1 52.238832 0.025042
CB23 8DD 17 0 52.241261 0.02754
CB23 8DE 18 0 52.243158 0.031786
CB23 8DF 10 0 52.242344 0.031002
CB23 8DG 10 0 52.240936 0.019264
CB23 8DN 1 0 52.263726 0.001028
CB23 8DP 3 2 52.269424 0.011028
CB23 8DQ 19 0 52.243777 0.021356
CB23 8DR 1 1 52.25881 0.018622