all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 8DS 12 8 52.261128 0.029926
CB23 8DT 59 0 52.253433 0.023011
CB23 8DU 30 0 52.254399 0.022776
CB23 8DW 10 0 52.266247 0.005583
CB23 8DX 18 0 52.254721 0.021326
CB23 8DY 37 7 52.253307 0.021757
CB23 8DZ 9 9 52.253475 0.018456
CB23 8EA 45 0 52.253219 0.014518
CB23 8ED 15 0 52.253201 0.015543
CB23 8EE 1 1 52.253997 0.015828
CB23 8EG 6 0 52.242946 0.02
CB23 8EL 18 17 52.254096 0.017177
CB23 8EN 45 0 52.252334 0.016295
CB23 8EP 22 0 52.253287 0.025788
CB23 8EQ 76 0 52.25211 0.014673
CB23 8ER 29 0 52.252294 0.024409
CB23 8ES 34 0 52.253208 0.024598
CB23 8EU 1 1 52.255393 0.024928
CB23 8HB 7 4 52.253835 0.039656
CB23 8HD 4 1 52.245752 0.046902