all postcodes in CB23 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB23 8HE 2 0 52.258013 0.00257
CB23 8HF 11 0 52.257617 0.001735
CB23 8HG 13 1 52.256936 -0.000523
CB23 8HH 23 0 52.258919 0.001882
CB23 8HL 3 0 52.258493 0.009453
CB23 8HQ 10 0 52.258515 -0.001873
CB23 8SA 56 0 52.25127 0.013829
CB23 8SB 48 0 52.250284 0.014737
CB23 8SD 57 0 52.250315 0.012892
CB23 8EH 5 5 52.252937 0.018359
CB23 8SE 28 0 52.252559 0.01736
CB23 8SF 60 0 52.251707 0.02721
CB23 8SG 41 0 52.252587 0.026196
CB23 8SH 1 1 52.192254 0.137179
CB23 8SJ 50 0 52.250686 0.020146
CB23 8SL 3 1 52.255612 0.016338
CB23 8SN 15 0 52.250049 0.020586
CB23 8SP 37 0 52.250598 0.022105
CB23 8SQ 13 10 52.256958 0.019139
CB23 8SR 28 0 52.248597 0.031302