all postcodes in CB24 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB24 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB24 3AS 8 0 52.262966 0.074735
CB24 3AT 19 0 52.263319 0.069432
CB24 3AU 28 0 52.26418 0.071114
CB24 3AW 22 1 52.261394 0.072552
CB24 3AX 1 1 52.192254 0.137179
CB24 3AY 21 0 52.260079 0.066527
CB24 3BA 6 1 52.26039 0.065193
CB24 3BB 20 4 52.259117 0.063783
CB24 3BD 17 2 52.257055 0.063907
CB24 3YX 2 0 52.252143 0.052735
CB24 3YW 2 0 52.255115 0.059187
CB24 3BE 15 0 52.257053 0.064774
CB24 3BG 58 1 52.2562 0.069335
CB24 3BH 19 0 52.259791 0.062982
CB24 3BJ 3 0 52.277546 0.048223
CB24 3BL 16 0 52.27891 0.048389
CB24 3BN 7 0 52.282987 0.045014
CB24 3BP 29 3 52.279209 0.047037
CB24 3BQ 26 0 52.25665 0.065678
CB24 3BS 34 7 52.281774 0.045002