all postcodes in CB2 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB2 0RB 16 0 52.172098 0.151335
CB2 0RE 1 1 52.17689 0.13555
CB2 0SA 20 0 52.17593 0.138898
CB2 0SB 20 0 52.175881 0.139129
CB2 0SD 19 1 52.176119 0.138878
CB2 0SE 20 0 52.1762 0.139364
CB2 0SF 20 0 52.176278 0.139002
CB2 0SG 20 0 52.176509 0.13916
CB2 0SP 1 1 52.175901 0.141982
CB2 0SQ 76 0 52.176579 0.138812
CB2 0SR 1 1 52.173181 0.143695
CB2 0SW 1 1 52.17384 0.139119
CB2 0XY 1 1 52.176392 0.14265
CB2 0XZ 1 1 52.176967 0.142195
CB2 0SZ 4 4 52.178443 0.136151
CB2 0NT 65 0 52.190048 0.135097
CB2 0NU 74 0 52.189244 0.134824
CB2 0ST 1 52.174909 0.142637
CB2 0SL 1 52.173912 0.138099
CB2 0SN 1 52.175717 0.137732