all postcodes in CB4 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB4 1BA 27 0 52.218913 0.134345
CB4 1BB 10 0 52.217925 0.134737
CB4 1BD 12 0 52.219092 0.1339
CB4 1BE 26 0 52.217378 0.131183
CB4 1BF 14 0 52.221219 0.141044
CB4 1BG 7 2 52.216101 0.133171
CB4 1BH 0 52.216567 0.13577
CB4 1BJ 0 52.211958 0.138052
CB4 1BL 3 52.212857 0.140013
CB4 1BN 0 52.212127 0.137138
CB4 1BP 1 52.214479 0.129419
CB4 1BQ 0 52.218388 0.132796
CB4 1BS 0 52.219666 0.152257
CB4 1BT 1 52.216644 0.134002
CB4 1BU 0 52.214476 0.134528
CB4 1BW 0 52.214515 0.129889
CB4 1BX 0 52.214204 0.134163
CB4 1BY 0 52.215142 0.130328
CB4 1BZ 0 52.215314 0.131229
CB4 1DA 6 52.215754 0.133491