all postcodes in CB5 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB5 8BQ 0 52.208716 0.12115
CB5 8BS 0 52.207849 0.125589
CB5 8BW 0 52.20843 0.122294
CB5 8DA 0 52.207559 0.128195
CB5 8DD 0 52.20773 0.130456
CB5 8DE 1 52.20808 0.130708
CB5 8DG 0 52.208632 0.130515
CB5 8DH 0 52.208614 0.129548
CB5 8DJ 0 52.209216 0.130543
CB5 8DL 0 52.209211 0.132299
CB5 8DN 0 52.208904 0.131875
CB5 8DP 0 52.20865 0.134
CB5 8DQ 0 52.20847 0.13001
CB5 8DR 0 52.208878 0.132825
CB5 8DS 0 52.209263 0.133414
CB5 8DT 6 52.208068 0.133855
CB5 8DW 1 52.208737 0.133682
CB5 8DZ 7 52.208185 0.135851
CB5 8EA 0 52.209021 0.134866
CB5 8EG 5 52.208335 0.133502