all postcodes in CB5 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB5 8EN 1 52.208829 0.137038
CB5 8EP 1 52.208158 0.134884
CB5 8EU 1 52.208678 0.13646
CB5 8EY 0 52.214573 0.144575
CB5 8FF 1 52.192254 0.137179
CB5 8GA 0 52.210033 0.143551
CB5 8GB 0 52.210794 0.142241
CB5 8HA 11 52.209041 0.140239
CB5 8HB 1 52.20875 0.138701
CB5 8HE 6 52.208555 0.139541
CB5 8HG 0 52.21327 0.144512
CB5 8HH 0 52.209727 0.137623
CB5 8HJ 0 52.211429 0.141408
CB5 8HL 0 52.210818 0.138934
CB5 8HN 0 52.212419 0.142861
CB5 8HP 0 52.210239 0.142082
CB5 8HQ 0 52.210067 0.13796
CB5 8HR 0 52.209543 0.141786
CB5 8HS 0 52.21041 0.140115
CB5 8HT 0 52.210277 0.138775