all postcodes in CB6 / ELY

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB6 2PA 2 0 52.384626 0.097467
CB6 2PB 87 3 52.385873 0.109253
CB6 2PD 58 0 52.386637 0.116843
CB6 2PE 14 0 52.386153 0.107209
CB6 2PG 19 0 52.387264 0.115947
CB6 2PJ 5 0 52.387289 0.112568
CB6 2PL 4 0 52.386842 0.111415
CB6 2PP 33 0 52.38923 0.119641
CB6 2PQ 25 0 52.386742 0.120478
CB6 2PR 26 0 52.389448 0.121969
CB6 2PH 4 0 52.389345 0.120779
CB6 2PS 19 0 52.389947 0.121263
CB6 2PT 16 0 52.391053 0.120787
CB6 2PU 27 1 52.391057 0.122536
CB6 2PW 24 0 52.386452 0.10856
CB6 2PX 56 0 52.391999 0.121185
CB6 2PY 20 0 52.389985 0.12269
CB6 2PZ 44 1 52.392264 0.124431
CB6 2QA 19 0 52.393219 0.122846
CB6 2QB 45 0 52.393285 0.126185