all postcodes in CB6 / ELY

find any address or company within the CB6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB6 2SZ 6 0 52.431329 0.238199
CB6 2TA 19 0 52.430617 0.233985
CB6 2TB 11 0 52.431436 0.232982
CB6 2TD 29 2 52.432745 0.23313
CB6 2TF 25 0 52.432867 0.235334
CB6 2TG 20 0 52.432648 0.237412
CB6 2TH 17 0 52.431016 0.237138
CB6 2TJ 22 0 52.430938 0.23559
CB6 2TL 6 0 52.429423 0.237219
CB6 2TN 10 0 52.43113 0.239189
CB6 2TP 17 1 52.431907 0.241376
CB6 2TQ 19 0 52.433302 0.238004
CB6 2TR 9 0 52.431903 0.24064
CB6 2TS 55 0 52.436012 0.24872
CB6 2TT 32 0 52.435868 0.2468
CB6 2TU 26 0 52.435073 0.249363
CB6 2TW 13 0 52.432139 0.242418
CB6 2TX 2 0 52.441874 0.249159
CB6 2UD 20 0 52.455114 0.258385
CB6 2TY 12 2 52.451707 0.233301