all postcodes in CB7 / ELY

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Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB7 5DB 37 3 52.342975 0.334815
CB7 5DD 46 3 52.345223 0.331175
CB7 5DE 41 2 52.34939 0.326821
CB7 5DF 13 0 52.344905 0.338616
CB7 5DG 38 0 52.345357 0.338053
CB7 5DH 34 0 52.341116 0.342894
CB7 5DJ 41 0 52.336499 0.33534
CB7 5DL 18 0 52.336136 0.334146
CB7 5DN 59 0 52.336298 0.333621
CB7 5DQ 25 0 52.342662 0.337896
CB7 5DR 15 2 52.334459 0.337126
CB7 5DS 60 5 52.334894 0.336929
CB7 5DT 67 0 52.342639 0.331817
CB7 5DU 1 0 52.335253 0.337432
CB7 5DW 7 2 52.342184 0.32388
CB7 5DX 7 0 52.335568 0.338329
CB7 5DY 50 1 52.33543 0.335327
CB7 5DZ 22 1 52.334433 0.331526
CB7 5EA 32 0 52.335858 0.332282
CB7 5EB 24 0 52.335875 0.331432